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People of Bangka Belitung Give Ultimatum to Higher Judiciary

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 10 May 2014 | 08:34

The Higher Judiciary’s Chief (Kejati) of Bangka Belitung (Babel), Hidayatullah, said the threat to be bewitched by Jambul Nanas, that is said by the South Bangka 

Community Forums For Justice (FMBSUK), did not make him trembling to continue uncovering the suspected corruption case of the granting fund of the Provincial Sports Week III activities in Toboali worth Rp42.6 billion. 

"Why afraid? [I] don’t mean to be over confident, bewitched or not, everyone will surely die," said Hidayatullah to Tempo yesterday. Hidayatullah hopes that FMBSUK support Kejati of Babel to handle the corruption cases. In the case of granting fund of the Provincial Sports Week III in Toboali, Kejati of Babel had established two suspects: Sopian A.P. and Slamet Sahani.

He also asked the community of Babel for not using threats. "If the handling of the case is considered deviant, then we can perform a pre-trial." The detention of the suspects, he said, is already in compliance with the procedure.

The witchcraft threat of Jambul Nanas was shouted by some people who join in FMBSUK, who demonstrated in the Kejati of Babel’s Office, Thursday. They were protesting against the attitude of Hidayatullah seen to have criminalized the granting fund for the implementation of Provincial Sports Week III in Toboali. "Hey, Hidayatullah, Jambul Nanas has become a legend in South Bangka," said the action coodinator, Dede Adam.

The residents of South Bangka believed that Jambul Nanas is a witchcraft tool that can enter the stomach and could cause death.

Hidayatullah is accused of handling the case because of the sponsor’s order. The mass cut a black chicken as a symbol of the law’s breakdown in Babel. "We asked him (Hidayatulllah) to leave Bangka Belitung. If not, we will cut him like this chicken. Ruthlessness is not justified," Dede said.

Source : Tempo
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