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Borobudur to attract 3.5 million visitors this year

Written By Unknown on Saturday 18 January 2014 | 05:27

MAGELANG - Management company of PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur in Magelang, Central Java is optimistic to attract 3.531 million visitor in 2014. The target itself increases five percent from the previous year. 

Deputy Head of Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Aryanto Hendro said that the figure were  divided into 3.463 million of domestic tourists and 268,400 foreign tourists. He said that local tourists remained the important target.

"The target will be increased by 18 percent," Hendro said.

In 2013, Borobudur visitors reached 3,362,061 visitors, consisted of 3,145,846 local tourists and 216,215 foreign tourists. The number of local tourists has exceeded the annual target of 2.99 million visitors. Unfortunately, foreign tourist number has not reached the target of 263,400 visitors. 

Majority of foreign tourists came from Netherland, Japan and Malaysia. They came during Eid holidays, school holidays and Christmas. 

Source : Republika
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